PLAY . . . you’ll hear us say it over and over again that through PLAY, you can accomplish so much with a child.  We have a son who is so interested in reading, math, science . . . basically everything and anything he can wrap his little mind around.  He is 12 years old now, but has been this way since his earliest days.  He continues to bounce back to certain activities which caught his attention at an early age and Origami is one of those interests.  We’ve owned paper folding activity books, we have borrowed them from the library, he’s learned through various classes in school and we’ve tuned in to plenty of online videos.  His interest in Origami stems from his love of mathematics, but some children gravitate to it for the artistic and creative outlet it provides.  Some children like the process of changing a piece of paper from flat to 3-dimensional while others just like (or need) to keep their hands and mind busy.

There are so many benefits to Origami, like so, so many.  If you engage in a paper-folding activity with your child, take few minutes to set yourself apart and just observe all of the things their mind and body are doing.  Your wheels will start turning and your house will become covered with all sorts of folded paper objects 😉


We found this beautiful education website which we could catch ourselves browsing for hours at a time, but for now we’ll share this part of it with you so you and your little one can start to explore the fun of Origami.

Enhance Literacy Skills with Easy Origami Finger Puppets